A bug I'm not sure how to tackle

So I was trying to make a workaround for the simultaneous touch bug… and I made this series of objects that would take up the function of movement and eventually shooting (unfortunately limiting it to 8 directions again)

Using timers, messages and mouse clicks, I’ve created a “D-Pad” but for some reason they’re acting all wonky… help?

Timer? What is timer for? Sorry im on phone

After being started, a timer releases an output after a little bit afterward. You can set the timer to different times, or in my case, immediately.

You can also make it release a set number of outputs after being triggered. @olcayolcayolcay2

@grazer mostly fixed, but now I made the Pad have overlapping tabs, so that you can go diagonally, however only one object works at a time, so you can only move completely horizontally or completely vertical

I know what is timer, im asking what are you using timer for lol

I cant help you sorry but keep up the good work

I did a fix using always and switches, but now I can’t get the upper left panel to send the “Stop Both” message to the ship, so it disrupts movement