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@Blackhole_1001 ok sounds good if you wanna sub then dont no one is gonna make you!

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error* i meant to say if you sont wanna sub then you dont have too

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Anyway you could have edited the first message by clicking on the little pencil icon on the bottom of your message and edit the text and stuff.

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Cod is short for Call of Duty

Hey @BroBro2 I subscribed to your channel and posted something on your discussion page. I wanted to know if I can do a Collab with you.

Call Of Duty

@The_Unity_Guild fasho ill check it out when i get home from school just wait for a reply

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@The_Unity_Guild im home now so whats up?

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@The_Unity_Guild thanks for responding yesterday :expressionless:!

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Sorry for not replying so quickly.

2 days later !?!?!

Can we just make a message for each other or something please, ill send you a message we can talk on there.

a yt channel on legos? now that’s the content I wanna see
(I’m not being sarcastic, fyi)


Well here is my shrimpy channel.

If anyone has a channel then please let me know so I can sub.


I have a channel with the same name as my Halo Waypoint profile. It has a Halo picture. Once I get around to it, I will make flowlab gameplay videos so link me some games if you want.

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neat stuff! I have a channel, but I mostly have speedpaints on there.


@ManiacPumpkin we should make a Musketeer Collab lol

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Wow speed like :rofl:

What a bunch of nerds :joy:

Wow toxic and against the Avengers.