Algiophobia’s First Update (Currently Closed)

Alright so I started creating a testing world where I tried out different horror aspects, and after a while, it started to look more like a game. So Instead of a “Horror Game Concept” I called it “When Day Falls” and this game was inspired by @meburningslime’s “Till We Have Faces”. The game doesn’t feature much yet except proximity sounds (figured out by @glowbug, and @JR01 in an earlier discussion) and…
That’s about the coolest feature in the game so far, lol. You can also hide in the wardrobes.

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Here is the game so you can get a bit of a sneak peak of what is to come. Although the game will be much different once I get a dev team and hopefully it turns out to be a great game.

Also the character currently doesn’t have any animations and I plan on giving the art an upgrade to 16 X 16 instead of 8 X 8.


this reminds me of the Tattletail remake

You didnt see that @Blackhole_1001

Yay!!! I am so excited right now! Thank you :smiley:


i saw the face

Yes!!! sad it cancell

I did!

Oh no u didanit :upside_down_face: back to the game before this gets even slightly off topic-


Bahahhah! @Blackhole_1001

Always check the desc

Bro me and @ManiacPumpkin made a game in my 8-bit acc A LONGGG TIME AGO

Why does the bathroom mat say help

because its drowning u bath got a leak


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Back to the game for the second time- so, horror games eh?

Can we do Monster Ideas???

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You might wanna try writing smaller posts. I may just put people off. But The first part sounds good!!!

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I like his tall posts

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Yez… Tall. Not the word long? o- ok

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Sure, you could put down some monster ideas if you want, which could help me get an idea for the final concept.

Also @beanies_bugs, I know most users don’t usually like reading long posts, and I apologize for that, but I like to put detail into describing something and I like putting multiple facts into one comment so I don’t have a bunch of spam of stuff on other discussion. Which you think this is a lot, you should see some of the stuff rcreger does, lol.

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