Animation Folder

I have been so tired because I have to scroll, scroll, and scroll, and scroll… just to find the animation I need to edit or redraw. It’s just too annoying for a lazy guy like me. The feature I want to add to Flowlab games is animation Folder, right in the “Pick Animation” button, also, reedit the animation set name layout instead of just scrolling, pls.

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If you create a new animation(s), the newest one will always be at the bottom. You have to exit the sprite editor and then reenter it in order to have the animations be in the correct order

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But the folder help you a lot for finding animation you want to edit, just like the folder did to object library. That’s what I want to be added.

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Maybe this issue could be patched so Flowlab can be slightly easier to use? If this is a bug?

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