Still trying to figure that out, most likely one move but it varies depending on where the player is (midair, on ground, etc.)
Tip: Number List & Router could help you a lot with using value to activate a line of code you need it to work.
Yeah, I actually used routers for the old dashing system but I got rid of that because I have found a better way
Oh so kinda like super smash bros (this was about the different attacks)
Can’t wait to make a theory on it!
I’m excited to hear your theories once I release the demo! (I have an entire section in my Google docs for this game dedicated to the lore)
Should you rely on killing enemies to go faster or some other way?
- Enemies
- Other way (give me suggestions)
Pings (this is an important poll)
@Khoi_Pham can you give me suggestions on how you could go faster other than killing enemies
speed ramps
no based on your controls not the environment
What if you just pulled random stuff out of your pockets, and them the parasite makes them do absurd stuff?
Like let’s say I pulled out a rubber duck with a American top hat, and then the parasite just makes it explosive.
Energy drink, unless your enemy drops some kind of items that give you energy for run faster.
This isn’t nightclub skimirish
good idea though
Oh sorry
No its fine, the idea was good.
I guess a precise move, right after landing gives more speed for a short time??
that is a good idea, however Antonblast has something similar to that and I don’t wanna be compared to them
for some reason I feel like completely relying on killing enemies to go faster will be pretty weird, I mean Antonblast had it so you had to press attack at a certain interval, while Pizza Tower just made you hold down shift
the reason I made that poll was because I needed to see other people’s opinions on this, and also ideas on how you could go faster without killing enemies or doing something similar to pizza tower or antonblast