Anyone looking to help out with HAKK3R 2?

Or at least point you to good places to recruit people haha

First and second heres the topic link:Tattletail remake Dev Team!

oh haha
Looks like you’ve actually got things handled, but just a thought; getting the word out on other platforms might be a good idea, there’s a subreddit for Flowlab, Discord channel, that’s all I personally know about, but it’s a start

Hey! we got a member in my team browngr and maybe i could help with HAKK3R 2?

Hey; 8-Bit! With recent events, I’d say we’re actually set as far as HAKK3R 2 goes. Congratulations on your team, though! Happy to see that part of things working out :+1:t2:

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Thanks :slight_smile: Heres the game