Are my games generally fun and appealing?

Are they both? Or are they one or the other?

  • Fun
  • Appealing
  • Both
  • Neither
  • Other

0 voters

Below I have posted the link to one game from every era of John Shrekinson Gaming. Please let me know what you think. Detailed explanations of each era’s strengths and weaknesses would be greatly appreciated.

  1. The beginning:
    Flowlab Game Creator - taile gamougg

  2. Gamougg 3 (Before updates)
    Flowlab Game Creator - Cubetales 2: Spherical Revelations

  3. Post-Gamougg 3 (Before big updates and after big updates)
    Flowlab Game Creator - taile gamougg: Noob
    Flowlab Game Creator - Halo: Flowlab Evolved

  4. Gamougg 4
    Flowlab Game Creator - taile gamougg 4 (CANCELLED Version)

  5. Post-Gamougg 4 A
    Flowlab Game Creator - Taile Gamougg: Mouse Slayer

  6. Post Gamougg 4 B
    Flowlab Game Creator - The GAME 420

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you put CubeTales, not Gamougg 3…


I think its because bro gave huge updates to Gamougg 3, so its no longer a reflection that “era” of gamoogaming.

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