Block Run Comments

hoow tf is this game so popular, its like fortnite in late 2017

This looks and plays exactly like cubed…
or does cubed look and play exactly like block run?
or is this a fan game?
I’m confused

Agreed function the same but the blocks look different. The levels look simular im some ways or another.

Actually @“Biscuit Butter” and @TheForgotten , if you look at the credits in both games, Block Run came first, as Cubed came later. Cubed is just a rip-off of Block Run, but sadly it became more popular than my game, which came first.

Just a heads up for everybody, Block Run is now under more development and will not be public until it’s finished. Thanks to all my players!

@cthornock that’s kinda scummy

Big Oof, my lad

I’m actually kinda spectacle now. There’s no way to prove the dates are correct in either game. You could’ve just made the date before his for all we know. I have a hunch you might be trying to copy another’s popular game and say yours came first for attention. Who knows. I could be wrong. Just a hunch.

@cthornock please don’t start anything,
Credits are fully editable and doesn’t mean yours is first.

CUBED has been on top page for since the begging of this year.
But for proof, CUBED game number is # 989,308 and Block Run is # 1,134,302.

Well, I have to say that is true…

I need help on “Block Run” Flowlab users! I need on e more mode that would be good for my game. So far I have Regular, Multi-Player, Speed Run, Battle, and Story modes. One more I need, help me hopefully you will (Yoda Talk).

A “Puzzle” mode? I think it is pretty self explanatory, just add some new objects that could be more relevant to puzzles - such as buttons unlocking doors, using blocks to press buttons, blocks that disappear from underneath you, etc.

Did this help? Wish you luck, and have a great day.

Thank you @rcreger , this is helpful. Honestly, I would submit it in your next competition, but it not even close to being finished.

Alrighty, now, how do I make words fade in and out? I’m mostly talking to you @rcreger, because of the credits in “A-Box”. How do you do that?

You can actually find an example in the menu of my game. The “Press Enter to Play” fades in and out. Just change the 50’s to 0’s so that it completely fades out. If you have any further questions, just let me know. Good luck!