Bringing the classics back!!!


I will - later

Can you please give a tutorial on how to add a high score and previous score thanks!

@ultrablack88 maybe. Just maybe

I’ll make a video! :smiley:

lol Latif3 The video expert. I am subbing.

Thanks @Latif3

I will gladly provide you anything you need while doing it

At the same time im kinda annoyed.

And i just got a score of 245 in arcade mode

Update: added shot skins, longer range in shots (because i didn’t want to be a disadvantage ), colorful trails, and now the white ship/skin is now a reference to a arcade favorite!

I would be grateful if anyone could make a tutorial on how to add a high score and previous score

My rig was tricky. But heres a brief explanation

In-game. The score is constantly saved. So if you quit, the score still counts.

In the title screen, the “previous score” is displayed by loading that same score.

(This can be tricky to add into your game)
The “best” object takes your score, and subtracts it by the previous score, and if the number is less than 0, the score is then saves as your best. Else said best score is normally displayed

thank you very much for explaining I will try it out

@grazer what do you think???