Can someone explain to me why this is happening?

I’ve been dealing with this bug before, but almost every time I try to use the extractor, I end up having to restart flowlab. I try and extract a coordinate from a different object, but after I select the type, I can’t select the specified object. It just goes blank.
Visual Demonstration:

Flowlab needs to fix this; but in the meantime, does anybody know of a way to deal with this more effectively then constantly editing objects? It would be greatly appreciated.

Try to clone the object you want to the editor screen, then extract the coordinate from that object.

Or just press ok then all good :+1:


  1. The “other object” has to exist in the same level or it won’t work.
  2. Make sure no 2 objects have the same “type” and “name”.
  • This is usually automatically done, but exceptions may come up. If there is another object with the same name, it may not set.
  1. If its a single unique object, like the player or a boss object, it’s better to send the value into a global for other objects to use. This way the player coordinates can be sent to objects on different levels.

That would make sense, but if I do that, then it’ll just go back to the variable of the current object and disregard the entire change.