Chain Reaction - Demo

it always begins with that as its opening move because it believes that that box has the highest value over the other boxes. After all the main bugs are finished I plan on making the computer’s moves more diverse and interesting while still being decent. Also, the values of the cells are kinda not how it’s supposed to be, but the computer still plays fine so I’m just going to believe that it has some deep plan that is unknown to me or anyone else. And don’t feel bad pointing out bugs, it’s always super helpful and I really appreciate you testing the game and helping find them for me.


Updates and Bug Fixes

  • Added text to say when I am the editing game
  • Computer will no longer place orbs over player orbs.
  • Computer no longer searches while orbs are exploding
  • Fixed bug where player orb would not disappear if next to an enemy orb.
  • Fixed bug where player orb not in the exploding distance would increase in value
  • Fixed bug where enemy orb would not increase in value when player exploded next to it.

I am reworking some things with the enemy orb, so some of the orbs won’t be numbered when they explode


Yay, I love all of these fixes! I am pretty sure that I did just see the computer place an orb on my orb (cell f2), but that was the only instance I saw after playing an entire game (which I won, btw. My second ever win!) But everything else worked perfectly, and it was beautiful. Also, it seems that our computer friend has abandoned his signature starting cell and is now starting in different cells each time. This time it started in cell B3 instead of B2, like usual, which I found quite intriguing. Tested it again, and it started in E2. Also, I really like that “Editing Game” label, very useful. Thank you for adding that!
Also, I have a feature request: Would it be possible for you to add a local multiplayer mode to the game so that someone (like me) could play the game with friends?

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I don’t have indie, but otherwise, I would love to add multiplayer. When the AI is done I’ll make it so you can play with someone if they’re right next to you irl and I’ll make it so you can play multiple computers at once with different playing styles. Another thing I would love to add is a computer, but one that you’re able to adjust the values of so you can customize how it plays (I would have to add a ton more different things for the computer to look at first so you can really feel it is unique). I think the reason it opens with different moves is that sometimes depending on lag it may have a slight delay in picking the square it wants to go to so it picks a different one.

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The computer now has a slightly more dynamic way of playing. Still a few bugs, but the main AI is almost done!

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Yay! Small issue though, the ai only places one orb right now and then stops, leaving you to place an infinite amount of orbs on your own.

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forgot to turn it back on, it’s fixed now.

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I’m not going to be editing this game very much because I’m in the flowjam for a year of free indie. I’ll resume my normal editing after Feb 11th.


Same, lol. I look forward to seeing what awesome game you come up with!