Check proximity

I want to have an enemy become more transparent the further it is to the player character, but I have no idea how to do that.

That’s a very, very tough one. There’s a way to do it, surely…

It’s not exactly what you want, but it’s the easiest way to get close. The hard way is difficult to explain.


@“Mhx Ar”

It would take subtraction to see how far away it is from an object, division to get a percentage, then multiplication to get it to 1-100 so the alpha can work, but because there are no decimals on flowlab (for the most part) it couldn’t work- so it’s impossible.


i think I got something but its only for x axis. I dont know how to do the radial distance.

edit: i think the function block is broken. its supposed to be on abs value and not sine