Choose what game I make next

1: A game based on fighting a boss. The boss will change every day and will give you points based on it’s difficulty (saved). You get three tries on each boss and the top players will be on a leaderboard.
2: A game where you solve a puzzle each day. You get points based on how quickly you solve it. The top players will be on a leaderboard.
3: A multiplayer game where you can queue against someone and fight them in a little game to gain rating points (sorry for the little context, i’ll let people give me ideas for this as well). The top players will be on a leaderboard.

Which Game Sounds Most Appealing
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

0 voters


1 reminds me of Genshin Impact. Sounds way better though because you can’t make microtransactions on Flowlab so 1 > Genshin Impact.


great now i don’t want to make it

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Sorry. I don’t even like Genshin.

Are you still doing this?

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idk what i want to do (just got back from a weekend camping trip so i am just now answering) i don’t really feel like making a new game anymore



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