Come on over and get your free-range music

Oooo I love this one! Nice work!

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Why, thank you (✿◠‿◠)
(please note that it’s still in progress :/)

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I really like the chords in it, provides a very strong yet wide base to work on. Good luck! These are really good!

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Oh- im flattered. Idk what to say- >w<

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the same damn thing, but it has a melody now

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Dang, these are good. I might just have to use these, it’s that good.

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It. Is. Done.
Holy crap, I take a look at this whole thing with all the channels and it just creeps me out how well i executed this :grimacing:
Have fun!

In Between the Trees

(also @rcreger i heard u want some music :upside_down_face:)


[Flash Freeze, coming to a weird music topic near you…]


Ok so here’s the start of Flash Freeze, i intended to make a somewhat mash-up between the modern drums and the retro sound effects. Sounds pretty bop, actually :slight_smile:
Flash Freeze


Ok, so Flash Freeze got doper. Added some sick bass and synth blasts and whatnot. Take a listen :grin:
Flash Freeze
(Also, yes. All these links are leading to differnet websites :/)


music block, don’t really know what to add to Flash Freeze (°ー°〃)

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I’m pretty sure its done???
Plz… suggestions…
Flash Freeze

How would one go about making one of these an mp3 file if they wanted to use the music and give full credit?

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I mean, you can’t really upload mp3 files here, so they can just go in the editor and download it there…

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How do I add the music to the sound block? I tried a few things but none of them worked

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wait maybe I’m doing it wrong then. Do I add it to the sound behavior?

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umm, well first you download the music, then click on the sound behavior, then click upload, then click the file you downloaded and bam. it might take a while to upload, so be patient.

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Do you have to upgrade to indie to upload sound? because I can’t click on upload

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Yea :skull: