Coreplex's Theory Room

ping @John_Shrekinson @BradenS


epic lore! you got some things right


I have a series I wouldn’t mind you checking out, but my current and most famous project isn’t released to the public yet and it’s mostly written stories than an actual game. There’s a lot of lore and I don’t think anyone really figured out most of the story yet.


Ok Good to hear! I will try it you can show me


Its at least 10 times the size of Gamougg lore. It will take a while, so I recommend doing the other lores first.


Here’s the discussion that has the links of the games at the top. The Site: 012 Incident is currently unplayable at the moment, but the rest of the games should work.

Sadly the discussion has 1100 posts on it, but if you skim through, a lot of my messages explain a bit of the lore, but I can give you a summary (it would be quite large) if you don’t want to look through the mass of posts on there.


Yeah, mine will probably take way longer than any others, lol.


Hi Everyone! I am giving a heads up and a peek on my work for theories of Taile Gamougg. Today we are not going to focus on the main hero, we are going to focus on Pro_Gabrielfo. The guy who does not look like a skeleton and is different from the rest.
Screenshot 2022-10-13 4.28.41 PM
In the begininng of Taile Gamougg 3 you finally meet Pro_Gabrielfo. which he also appears in Taile Gamougg 4 and has his own game Pro_Gabrielfo: Alpa Male. Now I don´t know about you but if you are going to say I am crazy to go right now and read the lore of Taile Gamougg then yes I am. After I´m done and come up and gather more facts I am going to follow these ideas I have put together for the next theory.

Who is Pro_Gabrielfo.
What is he?
What is his back story???


Quick Update! I will be giving this theory tomorrow afternoon, now lets see if I can put these together
Screenshot 2022-10-13 4.48.58 PM
Screenshot 2022-10-13 4.42.58 PM
Screenshot 2022-10-13 4.42.37 PM
Is this guy a super solider from metal gear solid :open_mouth:


Hey Everyone! I have been pulling all my hair out these last few days trying to make up a lore for Pro_Gabrielfo. But it was worth it. I have made theories about John_Shrekinson himself( I am on to you) and his game, also about Pro_Gabrielfo. So in two days get ready for a theory.


Hey Everyone! The time of theory has begun! Today we are going to make some theory on John_Shrekinson’s hit game series ( Everyone knows it): Taile Gamougg. But we are not talking about him this time, maybe next time. But today we are focusing on Pro_Gabrielfo. Pro_Gabrielfo to me is a unknown character and his not be shown much in the Taile Gamougg series. So lets began.
Who is Pro_Gabrielfo?
Like I said three days ago, he could be a metal gear solid solider with special ablities, but maybe not. First it says that Pro_Gabrielfo is capable of beating many mens at the same time. So that means the people must know him, but not 100% sure. He could be famous, but not as famous at Taile Gamougg. What is he? Now it says in Taile Gamougg Lore, he can with stand high heat like lava right? Well first he could have a camel gene since camels can go as high as 120 °F (49 °C) and can go a week or more without consuming water. But it says EXTREME, which could represent lava, or anything that could go through human skin. So if Pro_Gabrielfo is god then why is his skin all black??? this means he was not born immortal to high EXTREME heat, but was made to withstand high EXTREME heat.
What is his backstory?
Here is how i imagine it would go. P_G (I will do this for short) was a skeleton just like Taile Gamougg, but some people captured him (Probably doing a war or something) And did some experiment on him. upon escaping and traveling through huge chunk of lava, he learned he could use this to his advantage. So probably, he trained to become a hero across the universe just like Taile Gamougg. Thats why he is all black, because he was burnt alot of times, or experimented on. but on the other side, he was probably born with it.

I really don’t know and there will be more, but for now I need to do more research
Ping: @BradenS @ManiacPumpkin @John_Shrekinson


You legit made up cool lore where there wasn’t any at all. Awesome canon!


Thanks There will be more theories! I plan to research more so I can find the real truth


No problem! I like lore and theories!


So its been four days and right now I am trying to do another theory on Taile Gamouugg himself. For me I think there is a twisted side to the game. I will give you a question to put it in your brain:
Is everyone in the game, really just a character or is it something bigger?


Make some theories on Ducky


Ok I guess I will take a break, and do one theory today about ducky

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When I first open ducky:
Screenshot 2022-10-24 10.29.12 AM


Hi and welcome back to Coreplex’s Theory Room!

Today I will be doing a heads up about what I am about to talk about in the next 6 days. In Ducky there is nothing to really see or do any theory on. But I think I can make up a few. One is that ducky went in this dungeon for a reason. This dungeon is not normal, it’s cursed! look at the forge, it got darker from the last area. And it keeps getting darker. I mean look at this sprite
Screenshot 2022-10-26 7.21.08 AM
If you don know what this is, then you don’t have theoriest eyes. To you if may look like mushroom-like floor( Well, I guess?) But no me its blood. and those dots? Eyesball with pupils. I don’t know.
(This theory is not fully correct, so you can say it’s hilarous.)
Anyways lets get to the real deal. The reason why ducky is there is to unlock the aliens and set them free. Now there is two theories to this. The other one is postive and the one is negative. Comment below if one of them makes sense.
1. His world is in dangered.
This hero probably lives in the world of duckies intill the fox came and took over the world. And so he has to go through the dungeon, and fight foxes and bosses to get to the aliens deep down through the walls.
2. The duck is there only hope!
As the world is filled with foxes, they conquer all of duck land. And you know what? The alien could just be the cause. Or is the alien even a alien? It could be anything. The three lights shaped as a triangle could mean anything.

This is only a heads up more research coming up