Coreplex's Theory Room

That will take thousands of years


Well, depends if you focus on a specific character, or the entire story.

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I cant wait to do it too but it could take ages so I plan to only do he monsters


If you want, I can send a huge summary of the story so far and you can do a theory over Subject: 000, Earl Wystan, or another mysterious character you find interest in.

So far the entire lore lies within them for the most part. Iā€™m still working out many details on other worlds and such.

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I will probably do one monster per week, and make theories about its back story, how it came to be, and more. I will also do some theory about the SCP Foundation itself. So get ready and heads up.
Because you got yourself some theeorryyy!


Ok thanks I will need help even if iś big or small


If you have any questions on what an entity is or a specific event of the Scepter Foundation, feel free to ask.

I have over 30+ entities so that will probably take a while. Thereā€™s only like a few that could have some pretty decent lore.


Ok thanks ManiacPumpkin. If I have any questions I will message you. I hope your game gets one. Most, very iconic


I have A LOT of reading to doā€¦Time to drink a lot of coffee


The Ceramic Skull 1#
Theory: What the hell is he?
Hi Everyone. I am Coreplex and this is the first theory of ComplexĀ“s SCP Theory Room Edition. I am doing this in order. From the very first monster to the very last. Today we are talking about the Ceramic Skull! But I donĀ“t know why it is even called that even though is can legit form a whole bodyā€¦But lets get to the point shall we. We know that the No-so-ceramic skull can withstand anything and was found in a barn for some reason. Now since we know it can withstand anything melt anything, we can tell he is like god. Look a what I said he is LIKE god. But is not god. Just like. There is a way to kill him. Peramently. I did a quick research and read a article about what material can burn through metal and stuff. The researchs I got was Hydrochloric acid. Hydrochloric acid is something in our world that can melt through anything unlike lava. Yes lava can melt through anything to. But if you watch lava doing its job, it cant take out diamond or thick glass.( I mean thick THICK). So techinally itś Hydrochloric acid but more modifed. So if itĀ“s body was made out of Hydrochloric acid. Then what is the head made out of? Well now that is a good question. In our world the strongest metal is diamond. But since it can take high heat, and even its own body material Hydrochloric acid then wha the f*** is it. The only choice is alien technlogy. As us humans we only been living here for Approximately 300,000 years ago. Yeahā€¦I think. But aliens? We donĀ“t know how long theyā€™ve been here. So I got to say that some of his kind must have dropped him here. On our planet. Right near a farm. Now since he is a sub-2 he is dangerous but not very. But he still can harm human beings with the touch of his body.

There will be anoher Theory on another creature as me and @ManiacPumpkin are dicussing.
Now you can say this theory does not make sense, or it does make sense. It is ok. I want to become a better theorist so give your honest opinion.

  • I do understand what you are saying and your theories are great! :smile:
  • Meh I guess your theories are okay :neutral_face:
  • Nah is no good at all. :frowning_with_open_mouth:

0 voters


ping @BradenS @Pixel_Name1 @paisleypug @John_Shrekinson


Hi Everyone! here will be another SCP edition theory room soon, but I just want to thank everyone who did the poll. No matter what answer you give me. I think I know what is wrong with my theories. I will show you next time. The next theory is another Taile Gamougg Theory so be ready.


Will there be another ducky theory?


Yes there will be another ducky theory soon. I plan to really figure out who is blue (I still think its our main hero just look at thoses nicknames) But I will find out who he is for real. I will probably a theory on updates you post.

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Good question I am wanting to do a ducky thoery

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So you are a theorist too?

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now i wanna do one too

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why canā€™t u make it that easy

So you both are theorist?!? Well I have to say I guess I aint the only one. So who wants to team up wih me?

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sure Iā€™ll do it just