Cruor - The epitome of chaos

Cruor Announcements and Updates

Hey guys! I recently finished my 2D hack and slash game: Cruor, and feel ready to release it semi-officially.
Feel free to try it :smiley:
(details below)

Game Details

Cruor is a zombie slasher game set in a post-apocalyptic, dystopian city. You control a human fighting off waves of zombies in order to survive for as long as possible. There are 6 total game stages:

  1. Intermission. The starting stage. This stage gives time for the play to warm up to the controls and enemies.
  2. Stage 1. The easiest stage. Zombie spawning is partially faster then the prior stage. Medkit drops have a very low chance.
  3. Stage 2. Difficulty increases. Zombie spawning is boosted. Medkits have low chance of dropping.
  4. Stage 3. Chaos begins. Most players don’t make it past this stage. Zombie spawning is boosted significantly. Medkits have a higher chance of dropping.
  5. Stage 4. Utter calamity. Very few people survive this long. Zombie spawning is nearly max speed. Medkits have a higher chance of spawning. The game begins to lag on slower computers (i.e. Chromebooks)
  6. Stage 5. Complete anarchy. Anyone who makes it to this stage doesnt survive very long. Ash begins to materialize from the ground. Zombies spawn without regulation. Difficulty is maxed. Medkits have a decent chance of spawning. Survival probability is lowered significantly

Feel free to share what stage you make it to!


Combat Controls

  • Space - Punch/Kick. Basic Attack
  • Shift - Dash. Uses significant stamina to perform. Wipes out any zombie unfortunate enough to be standing in front of you
  • Down Key - Ground pound. Uses stamina to perform. Flattens any zombie standing underneath you. Only performable in the air

Movement Controls

  • Left/Right Keys - Movement. Send character running in the desired direction
  • Up Key - Jump. Uses stamina to perform. Send the character up in the air over the heads of those pesky zombies!

I’m open to answer any questions you have
Thanks, and have fun!


I’ve already played it before, and it was awesome! I’ll play it again for sure :slight_smile:


Hey, thanks man! Glad to see you like it :+1:


Awesome, I can’t play it at the moment but it sounds great!


Oh jeez, a better zombie game than D.O.M? Time to rethink my life choices :confused:

Normally I’d get mad at someone calling D.O.M a zombie game, but at this point I give up…its a zombie game lol


haha thanks :sweat_smile:
If im being honest, the title screen was partially inspired by doom :eyes:


Thanks! I hope you eventually gain the time to try it out :smiley:
Let me know what you think :+1:


I want thinking about it before, but I can definitely see that!


I definitely will, and from what I heard its totally worth it! (Not that I wouldn’t check it out if I heard negative feedback haha :sweat_smile:)


ha no worries! As a wise man once said: negative publicity is still publicity :face_with_monocle:


This is a great game, simple, but I really like you’re sprite work. The HUD is really good.


Thanks! I’m almost confident that the sprites took longer then the scripts :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
I’m glad you like it


Play this with Doom music


This game is great! killing zombies is super fun with all the screen shake and blood effects, the energy system is interesting as well. But I think there are a few things that could be improved too.

the music is awesome, but I think there could be some more punchy sound effects. a sound for a hit connecting on a zombie would be good.

it’s almost impossible not to take damage, but zombies don’t do much damage. something seemed a bit off, maybe make the zombies a bit slower, and up their damage?

i also think it might be cool if there were multiple actions that could be performed with the energy/ stamina bar for a few more interesting decisions.


Lol wait until you see My game Horizon Z…


I’m about to try this game out, I’m so hyped!


I was actually trying to get doom music for it, which led me to the site I got the current music from

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Thanks for the suggestions!
I’ll be sure to be on that :sweat_smile:

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I see. If there isn’t already, maybe you could add a feature to mute music so you can play your choice of Doom music in another tab.


That’s honestly a pretty good idea!
I’ll be sure to add that in the near future :+1: