Dead topic don't post



If you wanted to start a message between someone else, you could start a pm so you aren’t clogging up the forums.


:confused: I thought I just saw a very similar thread that mellojello said to open A dm also @ManiacPumpkin now I’l confused lol


DM (direct message) and PM (private message) is the same thing.

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I was pretty sure of the same thing… hmm…

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Perhaps I worded that incorrectly. I wasn’t trying to say anything about maniac saying pm instead of dm. I was just trying to say that I noticed something strange, and I only said DM instead of PM because I prefer DM over PM. I hope that clears things up :wink:


Two people saying similar things is strange to you?

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I thought there was a similar topic, and then MelloJello asked the creator to put it in a pm/dm and now it looks like it was ManiacPumpkin

Well… I thought I seen mellojello do it, and I saw maniacpumpkin do it, but I can not find the one where mellojello said it.

I did say it, they made two different topics :upside_down_face:

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I was wondering about that, but I can not find the other one, for some reason this is messing with my mind…

I thought DM was like directly messaging someone, like tagging them into a post and PM was private messaging them where you message them in a topic that just relates to you and them, but I could be wrong.

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I don’t know, but I was thinking that a little bit too.

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I am not listening to the title

sigh what in the world?

i didn’t know how to pm someone,sorry

reese peanut butter egg


:rofl: :rofl:that was out of nowhere


sorry if i made you hungry though.


To DM someone you must click on their name ( search them or find a place they posted) then click “Message”. After that I’m pretty sure you’ll figure it out :slight_smile: