Deadly Game Jam

Can we still incorporate horror into that? (I’m definitely not participating btw)




Flowlab Game Creator - DeadlyGameJam

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Woah that looks really cool

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yeah no one is joining lol

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wait I just realized, how will I give the money to the winners?

Usually you should just be able to send the gift card information


ok. I’ll dm you the card information if you win

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Grazer and the moderators could see DM’s, I doubt they’ll take the card information but still.

Does BradenS automatically get 1st place by default if he is the only one who enters? Also Adam you forgot to tell me the start and end of the jam.

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first I have to earn the money. till then anyone can join, once I get the money options will be closed

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If you have a personal email, you could email the card information to the winners, that way you don’t have to worry about any moderators.

I trust just about all of the known moderators, and I found out that they can view private messages, but only if you quote someone from the pm, onto a public discussion, then it takes them directly to the private message, or if they search for it manually which is kind of a hassle, so i doubt they’ll go out of there way just to take a gift card from someone.


my personal email is locked out for some reason

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Also, I may participate since I haven’t had a lot of motivation to continue my existing projects, and this may help get everything rolling again.

Plus, I do like shopping on amazon, lol.

@Deadly_Stars you don’t have to give away that much for the winners on the gamejam. Maybe like the winner just gets $15 or something and each place after gets 5 less. Unless you come from a wealthy background or won the lottery, then feel free, but considering it’s just a small jam, maybe only have just a single first place prize since it appears that only a handful will probably participate.


You can always make a second email, unless you’re using a school device, then most personal emails are usually locked during the school day. You should be able to access it in the evening, or at least, I was able to back in highschool.

If you have a phone, you can always access your email on there. I would suggest using your phone number and creating a contact, but I don’t recommend giving your number out freely until you’re older since your number can be leaked to spam callers and corporations to scam you. Luckily it hasn’t happened to me, but my grandpa gets a spam call multiple times a day.

If worst come to worse, you can always just use the private messages on here, since they’re relatively safe. Most of the moderators have spent years developing a positive image of themselves so I doubt they would throw it all away for an amazon card, lol.


yeah $15 will be easier to get from my parents

thanks for the information

so the new prizes are
1st place-$15
2nd place-$10
3rd place-$5

Has a start and end date been settled yet? I wouldn’t abruptly start, but at least give a day or two notice before hand. That way you have a bit more time for people to join and for those who are joining to set up a game plan.

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the end date is probably when I get the money so maybe until April 3rd