Deadly_Smile's Topic Of His Thoughts

I love Cosmic Stranded but the game itself is too boring for me :frowning:
I don’t think games should be boring for it’s creators

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I’m a ghost so ■■■■ YEAH


Also did you understand the reference?

Ahhh I understand the reference.

Okay, so what did you think I was referencing?

Also I accidentally found @Truce2017’s first and last name, probably gonna forget about it.

Welp I guess i’m gonna to run from these people who try to kiss my kind and how did you find truce2017 name

I’m not telling you Truce’s name but I found it since he sent a video using his school account. Which is something people should not use when posting things since you could get a lot of information from a first and last name.

Also, here was what I was referencing guys.
Mettaton is a sentient robot created by Alphys (the monster on the right) Mettaton used to be a ghost but possessed the robot body Alphys made for him.

But which Ghost would It be.

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Probably Mettaton himself or his friend Napstablook.

Also here’s an image of Blooky. (Napstablook)

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Dad is that you You left for the milk.

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Napstablook isn’t married so you haven’t found your dad. He’s just a shy ghost that makes music and cries acid.


Nevermind I found him
images (4)

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I DEFINITELY wouldn’t smooch THAT ghost!

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proceed electrocution protocol

This post used to be a poll asking if my friend Adam was cringe or not. Apparently some users don’t understand me and Adam’s friendship consists of us saying mean things to each other as a joke. The post was flagged and I’ve edited it to say this.

you guys are so mean…

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