Please comment what a DEV team is.
Its stands for developer, it’s where a group of people join together to make one game. Minecraft, Terraria F***nite and Mario Kart are all made by Dev Teams.
p.s., I hate f***nite so I think it deserves what you did. :lol:
b4d 3ngI1$h
@Mainfunctestalbois WHY U SAY ITS NAME F***NITE IS THE WORST HOW DARE U!!! (calms down from rage) I’m ok… (gets back in rage) AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! (sorry about the rage. :/)
no u
f***tnite is over rated completly
It’s marketing a mature type video game to children, even 5 year olds.
kill f***tnite
Wow guys…wow
You guys wanna play Forts Knights
Minecraft is good.
Minecraft is good.
pokemon is the best, but that’s my opinion.
Old pokemons were good
Lavender town was… ummm… a thing
New pokemon is trash