DoM huge new teaser [ramshacklestudios]

Check out my site to see it! (from now on if you want to talk to me I will ONLY be on my site, unless I just want to be on the forums which will be rare.) Can someone provide a link? I’m on mobile. @MetaNinja @rcreger idk how to spell haveoc’s username, @The_Kodex @F3Art etc

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Wow, that’s a bit depressing. Goodbye

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Hey, i’ll still be here sometimes! I’ve already been pretty inactive.

Ye but I’ve been including you in a lot of stuff trying to reactivate you lol

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Yup! And I really appreciate it. I hope I can be more active later down the line, but right now thats just not possible.

Very funny, but please refrain from posing things that are off topic. You have a whole thread for that.

@ShadowGaming forgot to tag ya.

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Here you go @meburningslime and others

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I searched for 30 minutes looking for a good meme template where I lose a fight to wix but couldn’t find one so settled on this

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Well, it’s very true haha…

I’m actually going to report @meburningslime to @grazer on discord for spamming off topic stuff on other people’s topics.

Ok good luck lol, It’s not spamming.
Thought you decided to be nice, guess I read that wrong

Just stop with the annoying memes I’m getting sick of it and I’m sure @Ramshacklegamestudios wouldn’t want you spamming them on his topic

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