DoM voice actors

Heck yeah @Mhx_Aîr I love little big planet!

I thought that game was cringe

This is just so i can earn some badges :slight_smile: Cursed Rift (New teasers)


ummm ok @GrimProductionZ

“Free” <————- Remember him

ok, but lets stay on subject

how do I send an audio file on the forums?

I don’t know actually you might not be able to

@Mhx_Aîr bow did you share that audio file?

@glithctyrus I just put in a link and it worked

yup, that’s it

Oh, that’s cool!
So what link do you need to insert to play the audio?

I’m sorry I said link, I meant the url

hmmm weird…it seems I can’t click the link

I’ll try coping and pasting

that’s not working either @glithctyrus

You said you don’t have indie right?

copy and paste this in a new tab:

I’m just getting an error @glithctyrus