DoM's online features are canceled!

In an earlier discussion I talked about online features in my newest game, but unfortunately will be cancelled due to frame rate. A game with this many features will not hold up with online play!

The good news:
Even though online play is cancelled doesn’t mean there won’t be other players!
once @browngr is ready we can start on the ai! Some will be friendly and some will be aggressive (it is random) aggressive opponents will hunt you down until you are dead. Friendly ai will roam around and kill aggressives. Friendlies are able to be joined. You can create your own group of up to 3 friendlies to fight the infected, aggressives, skrats and the defense units

I’ll help with the ai also

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@Ramshacklegamestudios thanks for reminding me. I’m going to have to post-pone my work on DoM for HAKK3R 2, since it’s a higher priority project for me - mine.
I’m hoping to get back to work on DoM within a month or so, if I have an opening. Also, thanks for the more detailed summary on what you want the AI’s to do, I was kind of in the dark before that haha :sweat_smile:

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Of course! I don’t expect you to do a whole lot, because you aren’t going to have much free time due to HAKK3R 2

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@browngr If there is ever ANYTHING I can help you with on HAKK3R 2 DM me I’d be happy to help

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How patient are you? lol

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you’d be very surprised

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Haha well…
We’ve been needing sprite editors for a while, as many as we can get. This game is going to have every sprite have different colours on the 32 x 32 grid for maximum graphics detail… You see where I’m going with this?

yes I do! I’m not great with sprites, but I’m getting better! I’d be happy to help you with this! (whenever I have time)

I use explanation marks way too much lol

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Enthusiasm is good, though! (=
Alright, I’ll add you to the team. My team uses Discord for communication, do you have Discord?

I actually can’t rn @browngr (personal reasons I know it sounds weird, but yes I can’t use discord for “personal reasons”) you’ll have to speak to me through here

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lol no biggie. It’ll make things difficult, tho, but we can manage.

That kinda sucks that their won’t be online play, but then again flowlab isn’t a very good for it’s online mechanics cause you would need a very big and powerful computer for it to run smoothly. Not saying grazer did a bad job, it’s just too laggy on common computers, but the AI system would be a great idea, you should make it somewhat similar to fallout 4, where you can find camps with people in it. You can even add dialogue when you encounter people and have different choices of speech, but you can make them angry. (Probably a little too much for a flowlab game) Just some ideas. Good luck on your game, and I’ll try to find some time to play and give some feedback.

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Yeah, when I was working on Fallout Anarchy, I had a successful village and angered system. I could bring it back, but that’s a big undertaking haha


Ok sounds good @browngr!

@ManiacPumpkin I’m planning on it! They get angry if shot, or if you kill someone they don’t want you to kill


@browngr @ManiacPumpkin Only aggressive fire teams will hang out in small villages, and randomly leave to hunt/find and kill the player, friendlies, enemy aggressives and wild dingos that you will find them cooking and eating


kinda nasty but they eat dogs (not something I’d do)

Well, what ever they can get their hands on. I know in the apocalypse people will eat the weirdest of things including insects, mice, maybe even livestock (if they have it), and worst of all, each other.

When you said they eat dog, that’s pretty norm for apocalyptic survival. (Now this just sounds morbid)

yup, in the book some are cannibalistic

Dr. Williams is indeed cannibalistic when he needs to be