[EARLY ACCESS] Porky's Purgatory

As of April 16, 2023, this game is in early access. This version of the game is not final: it is missing some polish, features have yet to be added, and everything is subject to change.

Want to play the game? Check it out at Flowlab Game Creator - Porky's Purgatory

Hello? Can anyone read this? It’s me, MetaNinja! I’m in huge trouble at the moment…

See, a couple of years ago, I created this horror game based on Five Nights at Freddy’s, called Porky’s Nightmare. I abandoned that project long ago… But it seems the horrors I created came back to bite me in the caboose.

I’m trapped in Porky’s dimension. Porky and his friends have transformed into demons, and it seems that they have new friends too! They are hunting me down. Every time I’m killed, I’m forced to start all over. There’s nothing I can do but try and survive for as long as possible.
I need your help to guide me. Please, help me fend off those demons. Hide from Roxy and Felecia, fight off Porky and Ralph, flee from Kim Bearly and the Mannequin, and calm down Hamilton and Daniel. Do whatever it takes to survive as long as possible.

If you can find any way out of here, please help me get to it. I don’t think my sanity can last much longer…! :sob: :sob:

How to Play

This is a point-and-click game where you must navigate the room to keep track of the monsters and survive for as long as possible.

  • Setting Monster Levels - Before the night begins, you must set the monster aggression levels (1 being calm and 20 being brutal; 0 means they won’t harm you at all). The total aggression level is determined by the total of all the monsters’ aggression levels. You need at least 40 to begin the night, and you need at least 80 for your survival time to be saved and recorded in the leaderboard.
  • Navigating the room - Click on the door to go to the door, click on the closet to enter the closet, and click on the window to go to the window. Click the blue button at the bottom of the screen to look under the bed, and click the green button to look behind you. Press the S key to perform certain actions (at the window, door, or bed, S will turn on your flashlight; in the closet, S will close the door). When you want to return to the center of the room, click the yellow button at the bottom of the screen. Pro Tip: When looking behind or under the bed, you can easily switch between the bed or behind.
  • The Monsters - Every monster has its own behavior. Read the instructions carefully to determine how you can repel them. Patience, vigilance, and careful observation are necessary to survive.
  • Leaderboards - If the total aggression level is 80 or above, your survival time will be recorded in the leaderboards at the end of your run. Try to reach number one!
Monster Behaviors

Porky Pig

Porky will appear in the center of the room at random. Shine the light in his eyes to make him go away. After that happens, check under the bed and the window.

  • IF PORKY IS UNDER THE BED - Immediately turn towards the plushie and wait for Porky to climb out. Once he does, shine the light in his eyes one final time.
  • IF PORKY IS AT THE WINDOW - Immediately run to the closet. Wait for Porky to step into the room, then close the closet door. Wait until you hear him leave before exiting the closet.

When Porky is attacking, all other monsters except Hamilton will stop moving and retreat into their most docile state.

Failure to properly repel Porky will result in death.

Ralph Rooster

Ralph is under your bed. Look underneath and listen carefully.

  • IF YOU HEAR BREATHING - Do NOT turn on your flashlight. Immediately turn towards the plushie and wait for Ralph to climb out. Once he does, shine the light in his eyes.
  • IF EVERYTHING IS SILENT - Turn on your flashlight. You can see Ralph’s progress toward you based on how close he is and whether he is bearing his fangs.

Failure to properly repel Ralph will result in death. You will also die if you turn on the flashlight when his breathing is audible.

Roxy Rhino

Roxy will be approaching you from the door. Run up to the door and listen carefully.

  • IF YOU HEAR BREATHING - Do NOT turn on your flashlight. Immediately run to the closet. Wait for Roxy to step into the room, then close the closet door. Wait until you hear her leave before exiting the closet.
  • IF EVERYTHING IS SILENT - Turn on your flashlight. You can check her progress this way by seeing how close she is to the door.

Failure to hide from Roxy will result in death. She will also kill you if you turn on your flashlight when her breathing is audible.

Hamilton Hippo

Hamilton is in your closet. He will allow you to hide in the closet, but will gradually become impatient the longer you hide in there. Hold on to the heart symbol to hold your breath and gradually decrease Hamilton’s anger. Don’t hold your breath for too long, though, or else you’ll pass out and fall out of the closet.

Hiding in the closet for too long will result in death.

Daniel Dog

Daniel is behind you. If you feel threatened by his presence, squish the plushie to produce a squeaking sound, which will put Daniel to sleep.

Failure to put Daniel to sleep in time will result in death. He will also kill you if you squish the plushie when he is asleep.

Felecia Fox

Felecia is at the window. Check the window periodically to see her progress. If she is scratching the window, immediately run to the closet. Wait for Felecia to step into the room, then close the closet door. Wait until you hear her leave before exiting the closet.

Failure to hide from Felecia will result in death.

Kim Bearly

Kim Bearly will warp you to her maze, where you must try to escape while fleeing from her. Getting caught by Kim Bearly will result in a strike.

Three strikes and you’re dead. You’ll also die if you take too long to escape the maze.

The Mannequin

The Mannequin will appear anywhere in the room. Her attack methods will change depending on where she is. If the Mannequin is:

  • IN THE CENTER - Shine the light in her eyes to make her go away. When the Mannequin is attacking from the center, all other monsters except Hamilton will stop moving and retreat into their most docile state.
  • UNDER THE BED - Immediately turn towards the plushie and wait for the Mannequin to climb out. Once she does, shine the light in her eyes.
  • BEHIND YOU - The plushie will be relocated anywhere in the room. Find it before the Mannequin kills you.
  • AT THE DOOR - Immediately run to the closet. Wait for the Mannequin to step into the room, then close the closet door. Wait until you hear her leave before exiting the closet.
  • AT THE WINDOW - Just stare at her and she will eventually go away. She won’t hurt you unless you turn off the flashlight or leave the window.
  • IN THE CLOSET - Do NOT close the door or leave the closet. If either Roxy or Felecia steps into the room, the Mannequin herself will block their way, keeping you safe. The Mannequin will eventually leave but will disturb Hamilton upon doing so, meaning you will have to leave quickly before it is too late.

Failure to properly repel the Mannequin will result in death.

Want to play the game? Check it out at Flowlab Game Creator - Porky's Purgatory


At the moment, the only monsters available are Porky, Ralph, Roxy, and Hamilton. The others are not ready yet…


  • Spamming the heart in the closet causes the oxygen meter to reset instantly.
  • Ralph and Roxy sometimes attack together, putting the player in a checkmate.
  • The aggression level screen does not display any numbers. This can be fixed by going back to the menu and then the play button again.

Uh question. How do I start the game? I clicked play, but I’m not sure what to do afterward

Oh oops, I was clicking the arrow and it wasn’t working, but now it is

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Yeah, there is something wrong with the aggression level numbers. I’m trying to see what the problem is. I apologize for that. >.<"

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Also, when you die, you’re still able to enter rooms


Oh really? I’ll fix that right now. Thanks for pointing that out!

EDIT: I fixed the bug. Now, upon death, you will no longer be able to navigate the room.


It’s a great start but, I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do?


I haven’t added a tutorial yet, so for now, you’ll have to rely on the How to Play section of this discussion. Basically, the goal is to survive as long as you can.


Hey everyone! I just made a few changes and additions to the game.

Added Content:

  • You will now receive hints upon death. In the future, more hints will be added, and different hints will be given depending on how you died.

Changes and Reworks:

  • When looking behind, the “return to center” button is at the same place as the “turn around” button would be.
  • Changed the “under the bed” button to display a bed rather than an eye.
  • Reworked the Game Over screen.

New Things Coming in the Future:

  1. Much-needed tutorials! The idea is to create an interactive lesson to guide players on the monster behaviors.
  2. New monster: Kim Bearly
  3. Improved leaderboards! Your score will not be determined solely by survival time. Instead, it will be determined by survival time, total aggression level, and the number of times you avoided death.
  4. New monster: Daniel

For now, that’s it. Good luck out there… You’ll need it.


I’ve got a brief update for you guys.

This is just a minor update, but you can now join the Dark Ninja Discord Server through Porky’s Purgatory. I’ll be posting updates more frequently on both Dark Ninja and Porky’s Purgatory on that server, as well as other projects that I am working on.

The link can be accessed from the game’s description or on the main menu.

Hopefully next time, I’ll finish the tutorial for Roxy, Ralph, Hamilton, and Porky. As well as a couple of QOL changes that were recommended to me a while back. See y’all later!