Ember's art and animation club [OPEN TO REQUESTS]

Welcome! …TheBardofthePixelatedTavern!
That’s a long name. Anyway, welcome to the Flowlab Forums! Over here we like to make art and stuff and mostly game dev. There are a few things I should let you know.

  • If you see an old topic, make sure not to revive it with a post irrelavant to it. (ex: You find a topic about needing help with a game someone is making made 5 years ago and you just reply: “e”)

  • The F-Bomb is banned. You could say some curses but they must be blurred. (You can blur words with the little gear on the top right when making a post.)

  • Do not get TOO off-topic in other user’s topics!

If you want to get off-topic I suggest you join the OTC (Off-Topic Channel) which is on it’s 5th topic right now. (The previous ones reached the reply limit.) I hope you enjoy your time here on the forums!

Sorry, JUSTPLAINOP if you saw that as off-topic.

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