I need some chicken right now holy
You really like chicken
not trying to be rude, but this is sorta off-topic. just letting you know.
Not really, we were talking about ducks, and chicken and duck are related (they also taste very simular)
but this is an art topic.
there is a duck in the art
oh, ok fair enough.
I do still use it, just not that much. It’s more of a casual hobby to me
fair enough. also, that art is really cool!
Cloud has a bleeding heart as a flower?
no I have a normal heart silly
that is @Deadly_Smile’s name.
So, the concept is that I’ll provide a description of a character, and then those who want to participate draw how they interpret the character.
If you choose the accept the challenge, here’s the details of the character
- They are a hit man, (doesn’t mean they are a man, it’s just their job)
- They choose anything around them as a weapon
- Megalomaniac
- They wear clothes that stand out
- While they mostly go unnoticed, they don’t act the most stealthy.
- They choose the more dramatic or fashionable route than the reasonable route.
- Slim eyes
- Smug
- They have fire as a part of their physical appearance. Clothes or hair, it’s up to you.
- They aren’t fully human, example; like how a demigod is part human, and part god.
That’s all, good luck!
I am bad at these things, but ok!
dang, you were faster than @BradenS
This is going to be like my 50th character that has fire apart of him
Do cigars count?