you could make it so the character is less static/moves more when they attack or something.
I have a question. why does she have so many arms?
I’m not hating or anything.
The multiple arms look so nice! I’ve been wanting to do something with multiple arms for a while lol
Requirement was not straight human so I thought more arms means more weapons and she can do more as a hitman.
Thank you, it took me a bit to figure out posing and stuff!
I think you took it really literally.
I like it!!! it is cool!
Quite possibly, but whatever works. Lol
Quick make, quick post
nice. it does sorta look like a car’s front. (joke I know what it is I think)
the Space Marine with a paper shredder built into their helmet
Leonardo crashing out with this one
strong with idiocy, this one is. (joke)
reminds me of emporers children
I drew my girlfriend’s cat for her

(Keep in mind this is just a sketch and i didnt have a whole lot of time to get the shading perfect)
Holy. wow, that is a cool cat.
what is the cats name?
His name was Pirate, on account of him being half blind.
aww. that’s adorable. I have 4 pugs at my house.