Ember's art and animation club [OPEN TO REQUESTS]

So a while back, I had a idea to make a rivals of aether character and publish it. This is the portrait of the character. I actually have a few sprites too of him!


(DJ1 back them):
“I can only draw stick figures”
(DJ1 now):

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oh no no no, I forgot to mention that JJ helped me make the art, and I did the coding. but I did make the sonic sprites. (and metal sonic)

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still is great improvement.

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Thanks man.

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dude where can I download them

edit: did not read the entire thing so just to make sure, is it published yet?


I’m pretty sure he said its still in development

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Its unfortunately scrapped (I think) since A CERTAIN SOMEONE DIDNT WANT TO MAKE THE SPRITES ANYMORE.


Will JJ post here anymore? I liked his art.

no way bro did not read edit :pensive:

Don’t talk to me until you p rank pepperman and fake peppino

No, he died. I KIL-

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boss not fun

It is fun, you just bad.

no the boss arenas feel a bit too tight for me I like to go with the flow (in a big level)

also off-topic much?

the bosses are fun (also the final phase of fake peppino you run away from him)

bro acting like I never beat the game :skull:

speak in OTC btw

Two different void fiend drawings, with very different vibes lol