hi selene! I had an piano lesson today.
Hey Calvin!
That’s cool, pianos fun to play (A little off topic tho…)
yeah, we should probably just talk in the otc or maybe your art topic?
an song I am still working on.
you seem to have forgotten that we can sometimes see what you post.
bruh, you made a 3D model of a character from our game?
Yeah, I thought it would be a good idea.
fair enough.
Everytime I see a model made by blockbench, I keep thinking of Thingees. I’m working on one right now (not a thingee just to be clear)
oh, ok then.
an pedestal. tell me what you think!
also just letting you know it is ALL ONE PIXEL SIZE!
The sides were clearly erased with a size two brush and the dip was drawn in with size one.
you were saying? also, its just a test for now. sheesh.
I think he meant he made the entire thing without switching pixel size (meaning: sure he probably switched it to 1 but only at the start of making it and finished it without switching it to 2)
what should I name this little guy?