Ember's art and animation club [OPEN TO REQUESTS]

how are all of you so good at art?

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Practice and reference pictures.


I feel like if I tried to trace, I would fail miserably.

That’s what we do in all practice, get fail.

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That’s why you keep trying so you can approve, and what also helps that is thinking on how it works


To get better from dumb mistakes.

but how do you trace when your dong pixel art???

Just observe how things look and try to copy them, and overtime you’ll get better

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Plus a good way to establish your art style is observing what you like from other art styles and trying to replicate them

my art style is all over the place then.

Then try to select a few things

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well, I gotta go eat some food.

Back to pixel art
Screenshot 2025-03-03 7.49.05 AM


Untitled design (6)


nice art moddi! its good to see you!

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this reminds me of a scene from mhs2 (monster hunter stories 2: wings of ruin)

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It’s the logo for Thatgamecompany. One of my favorites

This was also my first kleki

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kind of corny or whatever