Will’s Gambit is ANIMOSITY, the gun game I’ve been working on. There have been a few reworks like being able to sprint and such
and instead of aiming with your mouse, you aim with your movement keys
Will’s Gambit is ANIMOSITY, the gun game I’ve been working on. There have been a few reworks like being able to sprint and such
and instead of aiming with your mouse, you aim with your movement keys
Why not the mouse? It fun to play with.
I’m not using the mouse anymore because the game is gonna be more focused for controller.
The keyboard is just a second option.
I also really like Cuphead and kind of wanted to give it that cuphead feel whilst still being fast paced
Just give me a day or 2
If you press two movement keys at the same time (like W+D) will you aim diagonally?
My art to remain on topic:
yes there will be 8 directional aiming
Wait, you i still want some mouse aimung for left and right
Y’all heard of Real Steel?
My dad and I both. We’ve watched it at least 150 times since its release back in 2011
i wanted things to be more precise that’s why I wanted 8 dir. aiming
Bro, Real Steel is so underrated.
Another movie added to the list of must-watch.
I’m BAAAAACK. Sh** why are there so many posts, XD. At like 9950, I’m going to like close the topic, because if not I may not release the banner until 5k on the second channel.
fair enough. why were you gone for a little while?
Uhh private info.
fair enough lol. (help me, the lols have infected me!)
also , sorry for being off-topic, but I think I might have strep throat
Oh dang. Hope u get better.
W.D Gaster