Ember's art and animation club [OPEN TO REQUESTS]

one eye red, the other eye green.

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thanks! This looks really good!

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Btw was this for your pfp?

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why? I mean, I can if you want.

I was just curious :face_with_monocle:

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oh. Well, I guess I could use it for my backround or somethingā€¦
Wait, can I ask for something?

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Sure what?

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I was thinking, youā€™re pretty good at art, And Iā€™m pretty good at codingā€¦

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Ooooooof I canā€™t Iā€™m already working on a different game on flowlab.

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well, could I help? Iā€™ve got a long weekend coming up, and Iā€™m looking for something to do, soā€¦

Itā€™s @Recryptechs visual novel Iā€™m helping him you have to ask him if you want to work on the game but i donā€™t know.


could you ask him, since my sleep scedule kinda doesnā€™t work with hisā€¦

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Just direct message him heā€™ll see it eventually


but I wonā€™t be able to reply/see it as well. plus, He doesnā€™t even know I exist, so he might not care even be able to listen to me.

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did you ask him/her/them?

I know him Iā€™m sure heā€™ll acknowledge you eventually

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yeah, but by then it might already be over.

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Alright fine, we have to get back on topic anyway letā€™s move to the otc

gotcha, Iā€™ll be there