Emit being weird?

So whenever i used the emit feature for my space invaders game it works normally, until i move left. For some reason the second i move left the bullet gets caught on the player and doesn’t shoot up. Here’s my game New Game - Flowlab Game Creator

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Hello there. Nice to meet you. Nice game you got
The reason why bullets were stopped by the player is because the bullet is solid and movable… when both features are added. it means that they can be stopped by the player.
i hope this helps!

Turn off solid, enable “enable collisions.” then it would mean that it cant be stopped by the player. and it can still destroy itself when it reaches its target

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Thanks bro! It was super confusing for me! i’m new to this app! :smile:

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Then welcome to the community!

Uhhhhhh… i have another problem. Whenever i move left it goes down instead of up. Sorry for the inconvenience. :sweat_smile:

sure. go ahead. im ready. and free lol.

Whenever i move left the bullet goes down instead of up.

ok, give me a sec. may take 5 min tops

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this is how a bullet will always go up

you can not control the thing unless you change it to x or y
here’s the link:
teaching tutorial - Flowlab Game Creator
i hope this helps :smiley:

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let me know if you need help. (not very good at expressions lol)
Hope your game goes well!

How would i make the levels change when all enemies are dead?

You can go to game flow. and look for “load level”
choose a level. and wire to “Go” or use the number and use input value

I know that part but what about how will the system know if enemies are there?

Like if there’s no enemies on screen

have a new sprite that checks for enemies on proximity. if it misses. it will load next level

Like with a raycast?

you can use position and use grid. for each time it miss. go down and check again until it hits the player then it will go to next level

Ahh i see. Thank you!
Like this

Sorry i’m at max replies for a new user. (this is my 4th account)

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