@grazer , can you add a “nextlevel” option to the “nextlevel” block!?!?!?!?
@RageDayz There already is if you do not select any level, though what your saying would be a lot easier! Also why is their no “Previous Level” option?! I have litterally 5 different buttons that look the same keading to the last level in one of my games, and all i could of needed was a previous level button!
Yeah, I’m trying to get @grazer 's attention.
Though when I don’t select a level, it doesn’t go to the next level! (Like you said
@“The Kodex”
I think the NextLevel behavior is meant to have a selected level in it, so it may not automatically go to the next level…
Maybe the next update will have something that will make it easier to make a Level Tracking System.
Hey - Next Level goes to the next level by default if you don;t select a specific level. You guys are correct that it’s kind of a problem that you can’t select “Next Level” again once you select a specific level manually. “Previous Level” is a good idea as well.
I added a Trello card here:https://trello.com/c/y4Nrb8bc/389-add-next-previous-level-options-to-next-level-block
I was already planning to update the Next Level block in the next release anyway, so I’ll probably be able to add these options as well.
Thanks for the feedback
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