[FIXED] Incorrect hitboxing

Hey @jngthree - I took a look at your game and I think I figured out the issue:

You have some logic that disables the physics on your border object, that then gets re-enabled when the Ease (on the x axis) is complete.

The problem is that you have two objects, one at the top and one at the bottom, that start out in the correct position. For these two objects, the Ease behavior is never run (since they start in the correct position) so it never completes, so the enable is never triggered.

You could fix this by triggering the enable on both the y and x position ease complete outputs, probably. Another solution would be to just use a timer to enable the borders instead of relying on the Ease output.

Hope this helps.


Edit: wow, I just realized that has been my first coding error that was obvious in months! Maybe even a year.

Someone find a question of mine that was obvious

If it makes you feel any better, it only seems obvious once you know the problem - I scratched my head for quite a while before I found it :slight_smile:

@grazer I was thinking of a way to create your own hitboxes.

The hitbox editor allows you to add circles and squares to create a hitbox of sorts.