Flowlab All Stars [Officially Un-canceled!]

okay! will do, but with certain characters, i cant make the animations for you, but i program it

Well you have this post for my bosses animations…and i dont think they delete old posts

Hey @XXD3G here’s a punching animation for sam sam arms 1 (sam’s arms should be attached to his
arm-less body sam )
And of course the shotgun
sam arms 2
and I (or F3) will make the kneel animation later

He looks like a badass Wood chopper in the zombie apocalypse

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Well it’s the “infected” their not really zombies, but…thanks @The_Undying

Of Course, check my post Pretty Big Project coming up

Just in case you need this for something @XXD3G

okay, could u make an animation for the recovery jump? and for his ultra attack, he should turn into an infected and he’s invincible.

I don’t think so

Maybe his ultra should be that he can summon his dog (dingo) for a short period of time!

cool, yea great idea!


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This is his dog (dingo) @XXD3G

okay, i just need to figure out how to code him

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whats with his tail on the 3rd to last and last animation?

I know it looks weird when it’s still, but it’s wagging it’s tail (it looks good in-game)

oh i see that makes more sense now xD

Looks awesome! can’t wait to play it!

Love it!!! (202020202202020202020202202

Thanks! ill be adding new things soon

Great cover design!!