Hahaha! That’s pretty funny! I do agree though.
Have you read the latest Flowlab Blog Post?
On Twitter: https://twitter.com/flowlabio/status/1710377925051064339
Now on Instagram too!
Instagram Link: https://www.instagram.com/p/CyE3QI-oVDH/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
If you want to check out the Blog Post, you can read it here:
Hey this is really good! I took the test and got explorer
I got explorer as well!
60% Achiever
53% Socialiser
47% Killer
40% Explorer
100% Skill
I think I’m more of a Killer/Socialiser,
Do they know who they’re asking?
how do i do the test
There is a link at the end of the blog
i got explorer
I have the least explorer trait ever
Says im 80% explorer
i am sociliaze
Take the Bartle Test (matthewbarr.co.uk)
I cannot enter any Social Medias, can you send the link please?
No, go on the Flowlab website. If you can use Flowlab.io, the blog is hosted on the same network and URL.
Oh, ok! Thanks for the information. Where is the test? Never mind:
Oh shoot, it’s another site, lol.
Hey, it’s me!
Then you a boy and not a man