đŸ”„ Flowlab Social Media - FLOWJAM VIDEO!

The controls in Wtich are a little unique to keep track of the player/camera “north”.
Similar to Flowlab Game Creator - 2D Camera Rotation.


Hi everyone!

New Post from Flowlab! :boxing_glove: :fire: :bat:

Showcasing the Dungeon KO game and how easy it is to start making games with Flowlab! :blush:

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@flowlab.io/video/7360728680341015851
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/C6EZcrmxy6k/
:heart: Watch it on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/SCSDUn1xqzA

Flowlab No Code Game Engine - Make a Game with no code

Highlighting a cool Flowlab game! :star2: :cherry_blossom: :sunflower:

Check out this awesome Sonic fan game being made by @ThatBoxLion using Flowlab!
Watch it on the Flowlab Twitter:

Flowlab No Code Game Engine - Make a Game with no code -Sonic Blossom ThatBoxLion


ThatBoxLion’s games always have the best scenery!

How do I find it?


Hi everyone!

New Tutorial Series is out NOW! :eyes:

One of the most common requests we get is for more (and more advanced) tutorials, and this 4-video series is meant to introduce some more advanced topics to game creators who are already familiar with the basics of Flowlab!
You can learn how to make a complete Top-Down game playable on your Phone!
See a preview here:

Flowlab Game Engine - Create a Mobile Game without Code - Flowlab Game Creator

Also Teachers :apple: ! These videos can also be useful for your Students, as they will learn new things and be able to make a Mobile game that they can play on their phones just by opening the game link on their devices. :blush:

You can watch the full series on YouTube here:


Ahah yea for sure!! @ThatBoxLion is so talented and an amazing artist! I love their style and games :blush:

You can find their game by searching for “ThatBoxLion” in the Flowlab game’s page.
But here is the link for the Sonic Blossom!, public on their profile:


Hello again! :wave:

Flowlab just posted a new video! :ice_cube: :ice_skate:

I think this one might be one of my favorites one so far ahah :laughing:


Flowlab No Code Game Engine - Create a Mobile Game without Code


Watch it on YouTube:

What did you think of the New Tutorials? :eyes::ice_cube:

  • They are really helpful! :white_check_mark:
  • They are cool, but not advanced enough for me :gear:
  • I haven’t watched them yet! :hourglass:
0 voters

Hello everyone! New Post! :wave:

The Flowlab team has been listening and adding loads of feature requests over time (More than +140!!), as suggested by our Discord Community!

The #🐛requests-n-bugs channel is currently the best place for your feedback and suggestions, so if you encounter something, always feel free to create a topic and provide details + an image!

Check out this cool animation we did with Flowlab as a thank you!


Flowlab No Code Game Engine - Make a Game with no code


can there be customization hitboxes that you can make yourself?

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Technically you can already do this, by making the original sprite into whatever shape you need, and then add an animation on top of it. I don’t think animations change the hitbox so it should still be the original.

You could also use the joint behavior to attach a larger object onto the original sprite, since attach simply attaches a non-collision object, the joint behavior will actually spawn an object that still has collisions, then just use messages between spawned objects and reply to last message to determine if it’s but hit by anything, like projectiles or whatnot.

But I will admit, I do think there should be some sort of new behavior or option to set an additional hitbox or maybe even the option to allow animations to change hitboxes as well. I say option, because I still frequently use animations to change the appearance outside of the original size. This would probably be a bit easier for new users to understand and use and more efficient for even older users as well.


Hi @Deadly_Stars @ManiacPumpkin !

You should join our server and make your requests there!
But I took a few seconds of my time and searched it for you (there’s a search bar for feature requests, so you can see what has been requested already) :mag:
The “Custom Hitboxes / Collision Shape Drawer” topic already has 13 votes! :pray:
The more votes, the more likely it is to get prioritized in the next update!

So join our server and cast your vote on the Features that you would like to see implemented :wink:

Here is the invite link for the Flowlab Community Server:


Agh unfortunately Adam (Deadly_Stars) can’t do Discord :frowning:
Since were in the same school and Discord is blocked and Adam doesn’t really have a modern phone anymore.


can you also make a eraser erase different kinds of ways

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I’m currently on the discord, but I’m very much ignored most of the time, plus I’ve had too many bad encounters with half of the users on there anyway. I’m not sure if they are even around anymore, but I never went back on there.


I have recently been on discord. But to be honest, I like the forums better. Even though not as many people are on all the time.


I might join the discord sometime soon.

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Nothing too special about the discord, it’s mostly interesting during the Flowjam because more is shared over there about the development of games


I have a Flowlab addiction so I can’t stop reading what’s unread in the Discord and Forums :sob:

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I read everything in the discord, but I pretty much ignore like 3 channels on the forums


Wondering how we made the “Requests Chest Dungeon” Game?! :eyes: :pray: :white_check_mark:
Flowlab just shared some videos to shine a bit more light on how much we appreciate the Flowlab Community! :heart:

We hear you loud and clear! :speaking_head:

More than 140 feature requests have been added in the last few Flowlab updates ever since we made the new Forums!
And that’s thanks to you, our amazing community, and all the feedback being provided in the #🐛requests-n-bugs forums channel on the Flowlab Discord! :blue_heart:

Watch the Making of & more Details video here:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/C8FpXO8vGTb/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@flowlab.io/video/7379340648433962270
Watch it on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/5Wd9xnK14UY

Flowlab Game Creator Engine - New Updates!

You can also play the games made for these videos here:
(Two different orientations, Tall and Wide)


If you use OBS, you can do cool things, including audio.

Basically, have a Mac Screen Record on and do window, application or screen (I like screen) and choose the screen your playing on. Boom.

Oh wait, and make the audio imput ALSO come from the screen.

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