Fullscreen doesn’t work on mobile Flowlab

I’m not actually sure this one is a bug, but I was just wondering regardless.

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I’m not sure what you mean - games are always fullscreen on mobile.

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On my iPhone, none of the games I’ve played or made have been fullscreen, even if there is a fullscreen button.
Also, I think it is of note that the game itself is sometimes scaled wrong (depending on the size the creator has chosen in the editor). This only occurs when the game size has been set too large.
Maybe this has only been my experience? Maybe it’s the IPhone? Can anyone confirm these hunches?


I made a game a while back on my iPad with a keyboard and I made full screen activate with a specific key and it doesn’t work. I also think that the link behavior doesn’t work on mobile either cause I had issues with that as well.
But everything works great on my laptop, but on the iPad it didn’t work out, not sure if it’s a bug or my schools internet.


For me it works on my android devices. So maybe its just apples products?

Oh, I think I misunderstood. I thought you were talking about exported games from the app store. You’re talking about playing games on the site.


Right. Games on here I play locally, simply for ease of access, but it’s always a pain to try to play someone’s game, only to realize you can’t because of screen size.
And for people like Meburningslime, I feel like this feature might be a lifesaver in the upcoming flowjam and maybe just in general. As of now, even the editor doesn’t fit right.

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I was wondering if mobile fullscreen could be added. It would be a life saver.



Looks like iPhone Safari still does not support fullscreen :frowning:

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I might be able to make it do something “fullscreenish” on ios though, although that would probably be wonky on iPad. There is no way to reliably tell if you’re on an iPad vs iPhone from the browser anymore, AFAIK.

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Maybe you could have the fullscreen have different options or add two more that fits iPad and iPhone. That could work.

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You could have a Fullscreen option like the “fill” and “stretch” as “site,” where it changes the site to a fullscreen visually instead of through a Fullscreen feature.


Well, the issue is that fullscreen should work on iPad, but not on iPhone. There is no way to tell from the browser which one the player is using though. :confused: