Game content

Hi im trying to make a game for my mom who really likes plants
now im a little stuck wondering how to make a store where you can buy stuff in the game
im gonna make an obby where u find stuff u can use at the “store”
the alert only has one button so i dont know if i can make options there coz i dunno what im doing
still kinda new to forums lol lol lol
Any advice would be appreciated
Thanks :slight_smile:
that is the game link

here’s a store example

thanks username55

you’re welcome

i am still very confused
i copied some of it already and i dunno how to make it work welp

The example uses save behaviors.
You save a number into the name of the save.

The behavior will remember the number when you go to different levels, or even if you close the game and come back later!

So if you input 10 into Save, AND the behavior is called “coin”.

This means “Coin” = 10

Whenever you Read, it will output 10. If you have another behavior with the SAME name, it will also give you 10.

thats cool man, ive figured that bit out bout now i need inventory to save because for instance what if u buy more than 1 of something? its the inventory i needed help with sorry if that wasnt clear
TYSM btw ur game example are awesome :slight_smile:

Thanks, I sent screenshots in your other discussion.