GAME REVIEW with Lolpinkshep (IS GONE BABY!)

@rcreger cool

Hi everybody update i will review old flowlab games and see if they deserve to be classics

ill be reviewing the game “color quest” next (latest tomorrow)


@rcreger well you’ll find out my opinion tomorrow also sub TO PEWDIEPIE

are you still reviewing games here?

@“DPJ Studios” yes

Why isn’t that Color Quest review out yet? I’ve been waiting for that one.

@rcreger i might if im bored

GAME REVIEW is going to be moved for the time being Bored game jams so yeah go there we cant wait for your games!

GAME REVIEW will be posted at bored game jams (this weeks topic PLATFORMERS) and also here a little later put im working on a GAME REVIEW of a game so watch out!

Hey, pinkshep, what happened to my review that you were ““working on”” yesterday?
because i can

Wait, what was the announcement again @lolpinkshep ?

@rcreger im on bored jams is the announcement

@epatriot sure itll be a pleasure

@ToastMaster64 sorry it came out so late i had family stuff

Thanks to @ToastMaster64 for the Bored jam submission ‘‘Bored jam week 1’’ the name proves we’re going to have a good game

Graphics 5.5/10 this one was hard to pick (thats why its 5.5) because there a lot of default but also some new and the default works pretty well for this game but i can tell its not a finished game and the blocks are there for the time being if he (or she) had more time.

Sound 7/10 Some pretty good music in this game fits the style well but you could of put more music and a mute block because (for me) i usually listen to it for 10-15 min then i put on some Old Town Road Remix and the walking sound is irritating.

GAMEplay 7.5/10 The puzzles are easy compared to the sometimes unfair platforming cough the end of level three cough although its pretty fair and fun. On the third level you have to not collect keys except for the end of the levels where you push a log and it lands on a keys to show the next even thought you can totally just jump on it while its invisible. I think thats its good but maybe have a pointer telly you to push the log. In this level you are supposed to jump on a slope with a low ceiling makes an almost impossible jump but the rest of its pretty good

Mechanics 8/10 no real game breaking bugs just little minor ones and oversights (might be on purpose idk) you dont have to use the spring on level 2. Sometimes the enemies kill you for no reason, you can as @my_name (<_>) calls it ‘‘wall-jumps’’. and the doublejump is still not perfected making some bullcrap moments, also the 100 coins = artifact did not work for me

Mechanically advanced 6/10 springs are better than my slime blocks in my game. the double jump is nice but not perfected thats it.

overall bored jam score 34/50

overall GAME REVIEW score 6.8/10

he are always ready for reviews!

review game plz

kk @Tool1211uk