Game review!

@Simple_doge5 The previous model was perfect for a boss fight, this feels like it’s purposely difficult

Excelent second level, the phase thing is amazing, very intimidating.

bosses aren’t supposed to be easy in a game, they’re meant to be difficult

@MagmaDude100 Not easy per se, but you can’t punish your player for not knowing how your game works.
I blasted the boss and thought the game was bugged when the damage didn’t register. And you CAN do such thing but have some indication as to when, don’t hand hold but inform your players.

Why aren’t you getting as many people wanting reviews, @“Daniel Folston” ? I’ve updated my game, A Boy in Armor (Still not finished) and you might want to check it out. If changed the ground look and added more to the story, which Antony’s story is drawing to an end: . Thanks!

I’m absorbing them all in probably (Not flexing or anything, it’s just what i think is going on)

You just flexed really hard, I felt it from here @Crigence

@rcreger lol, i don’t care, I do this to kill time. I love your game tbw, would kill to have a peek inside your development process

It might be crazy of me to say, but I’d love to see some sort of resouce usage on your game, as you travel you become hungry or thirsty, your feet get tired and you need to rest, Nevermind I’m stealing my idea! lol

I would think that would work better in your game, actually @“Daniel Folston” , since I don’t want game play to get in the way of the story, and I want the player to worry about the character, and less of if they’ll even be able to see the end of the story. But thanks for the idea!

And I also like reviewing other peoples work on their games and pointing them in the right direction with opinions, and the more opinions the better for the person who is making the game, that’s why I wondering if you were going to still be doing the reviews.

I don’t know about you @rcreger but I play a GAME for the GAMEplay.

Depends on the game, now wouldn’t that, @MagmaDude100 ? Like a TellTale game, you make choices and listen to the story, such as mine (Though I can’t make different choices) is a story based game, where you take in as much information of a child’s life.

@rcreger well @MagmaDude100 has a point there, it’s pretty cool and artsy but it ain’t much of a game,
You just move to the right and talk to people.

Also how do you expect people to find the red book at the top of the castle? I tried for a solid 15 minutes before going to the edit mode.

Oh, that book was still there @“Daniel Folston” ? Sorry, I’ll put that where it is supposed to be.

I get what you mean for it is just plain out movements, it’s just that I don’t want the player to be able to die before… Well, when he is supposed to. I’ve been thinking of adding a sprint (which might actually work) but will seem pointless. Maybe an attack, but you aren’t going to kill anything (Or maybe I could make it so you can make it so you can kill off the non-important NPC’s… Sorry NPC’s). I’ll try to look into things that can differ in gameplay, and thanks @MagmaDude100 , for bringing it up, this should get me somewhere. And if you have any suggestions for gameplay, @MagmaDude100 and @“Daniel Folston” , then let me know! Thanks!

@rcreger You killed him! You bastard.

it’s too short, make it longer, make it harder on the feels, if you’re gonna do a story driven side scroller, make the story bigger, more levels more depth MORE NAAAAAAAAAAO

I’ll extend the camera, it’s 500 right now, maybe I’ll make 1,000 @“Daniel Folston” :lol:

And yeah, I want it to make an emotional reaction. Maybe other NPC’s he should act with greater innocence? No likes seeing the kid die, especially since you see his grave beside his fathers (You can click on both graves to read them). But you should have seen the death coming! I fixed the book placement, and added another one, The Dragons, and added a “woosh” which you can use to destroy less valuable NPC’s, even without reading the dialogue (Which I highly do not suggest). To activate the “attack” (since only able to be used against some characters) you press the space bar. Hope this makes a small improvement, or possibly made it worse, since he is a “small, innocent child”, but it’s up to you to decide if he grows up or not.

But I must say that if I was to double the size of the game, one, I would have to find ways to make the game not as boring with the few objects I have left, and two, the loading of this level will take a long time, even now it is longer than I want it. So , which would you prefer? Quicker game that I still have a few objects to make more NPC’s and other clickable objects to get information, or try to stretch it really far, with a long loading time, but yet still the same ending? I personally would just like to add to what I have to the 500, but build the story more in the space, which will make it less spacious, and perhaps less “boring”, as a lot of it is running.

For the more levels, I only have one left, and I can’t make a new scene with only about 7-9 objects left, so I’m afraid I won’t do that. Sorry, and tell me what you think!

@rcreger you have lots of wasted items, the bridge, the ground, the clouds, the books, the bone block.

@“Daniel Folston” , I’ve seen that you can make objects take different animations so they appear different but are the same object, but I don’t know how to do that. So if you know, please tell me how, so I can make a longer game as you suggested. I’ve been trying to figure out how to do it for a while, as @Crigence has done it before (and mentioned about A Little Evil) and I don’t know how it works.

@rcreger I don’t know about that, but you can make the bridge 1 object instead of 2.

Take a look at my backgrounds, they’re just one item.

Well, the background is pretty different than it would be in a game @“Daniel Folston” , and I’m not sure what you are trying to tell me by making it “one object”, since there is going to be two different types of bridges I want. I wanted the stone bridge to fit the mood better than the lighter colored wooden bridges, and even with what you have done, we have almost the same amount of objects left (You can see the amounts going into another person’s game editor, and clicking create will show the amount left). Thanks anyways, I just really wanted to learn the animation thing, I even looked through @Crigence 's games again to see what it is.

@“Daniel Folston”

Hey, check the bottom of my homepage. You may see something you like!

Are you still doing reviews @“Daniel Folston” ?