I was working on my Flowjam game and was trying to play test it but it wouldn’t load. I have tried playing it and entering the editor but it won’t work. I am still able to play other games on Flowlab but the loading bar stops right before the finish only on this game.
I have already contacted @grazer, but if anyone else has an idea that would be great because I only have 4 days 6 hours 56 minutes, and 3 seconds to work on it
Ok now I am very worried because it won’t load on my phone either, please help @grazer. I’m not sure if I accidentally created some infinite feedback loop and now it won’t load
I responded to the ticket you filed (and the DM) too, but it’s probably easier to discuss in here. Here’s what I said:
It looks like the object “Leaderboard Display” is failing to load due to a missing bundle. Do you remember the last behavior update you made to that object? I’m trying to figure out how it could have gotten into this state.
As far as I remember I don’t remember pasting/deleting any bundles. I know that object should have 4-5 bundles. If you were able to delete the last thing pasted into there would that fix it?
Is it ok if I edit the game now or do you still need to do stuff? Also thank you for responding so fast to my frantic messages, sorry for messaging in 3 different places
Ok, I got the Leaderboard Display object’s logic loading, but I had to insert a “Dummy” bundle to take the place of the mysterious disappearing one. I’m done now, so feel free to carry on.