This bug spawn an input out of nowhere and it’s very annoying because as first the wire will only connect from the upper input since the bug happens, which block the signal to through the correct gate and activate the other stuff in other bundle.
I only see them appear when 2 bundles connect together and have 1 input with 1 output each causing this bug, but they also spear to the inside bundle(s).
Did you copy and paste an input/output, or did they just appear randomly?
Delete all the outputs, then re-add them. It’s a weird thing, but that should fix it. This issue normally happens when pasting inputs/outputs
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I had a similar issue where this happened, but even after deleting all of the existing inputs, the ghost input was still there. Had to make an entirely new bundle with the same code in it to remove it. Normally it wouldn’t have been an issue, but it was on an example project I was working on, so I was trying to make it visually appealing as well.
You have to make a new bundle and try copying the code inside and pasting it into a new bundle without the inputs and outputs and re-add them.