The Original Glorious Off Topic Channel Of Destiny

oh no “20 characters”

OMEGA HYPE FOR THE GAME!!20 characters

The polls for what teaser we’re gonna do is closing soon.

Great I voted in time (oop it probably ends 1:40 CST)

@ManiacPumpkin vote it’s a tie lol


I tied it bc I voted

I know lol, it’s now an excuse to make people notice my game XD

yes (20 characters ignore this )

Also like the youtube video please if you enjoyed it lol, that makes it more popular so more people can see it

1 Like dont watch this if you dont like some jupiter moon remix lol, oh and this isn’t rick roll

Oh and I forgot I changed my icon a week ago

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What? :upside_down_face:

i logged out to see if I can make another flowlab community account but I changed my icon about a year ago and now I’m pointing the gun at u >:D

hehe im smart
ima try to solve this:
ok so 2 x 4 would be 8 - 2 is 6 so it is [6] + 2 and that’s 8 and idk why I did that o-o

literally anybody can solve this

1 Like

This is my math lol

god that looks hard while yesterday people were doing CALCULUS. AND THEY ARE IN GRADE SIX OR FIVE

wait we got new math ok thats a joke