Gravity falls get to the door

Dipper accidentally summoned Bill Cipher by saying “oh I’m gonna go back to the mystery shack now” in a 5km radius of the bill cipher statue so now the only way to defeat the yellow dorito with a trash sprite in this game is to get to the door
Makes no sense I know,that’s the entire point.

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It’s a meme game.I’ve already made it.I love it.It makes no sense.It’s easy.It has trash sprites.It’s basic.

wahey llololol :clap:

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why tho…

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This is the most confused I have ever been playing a flowlab game, congrats :upside_down_face:

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Because life is an illusion and the universe is a hologram!

all i did is jump over him.

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That’s the point.You jump over Bill Cipher to get to the door and defeat him.


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