GRAZER! I need your help!

So when i added the ManiacPumpkin character my sprites just had this green thing around it im assuming because the image was big for ManiacPumpkin’s character and added more size can you please undo the part where i added ManiacPumpkin’s character, please


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Just delete the green.

That happens when you upload something too big but not enough space to fill the animation.

(pretty sure)

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No not like that the size changed too

You can either manually erase the green spots, or you can use the select color from the already existing image (don’t know what it’s called) and if you get the color black from it, you can just bucket fill the green to delete it, since the black is at zero alpha.

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IK, go to the animations and delete the green part. Then change collision type to polygon.

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You can resize the original sprite to make everything normal again.

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when i do change the size i sometimes change it wrong and it breaks

and it happened for the other animations

Also why do you have so many frames for each character if the frames don’t move?

Idk i just did it i can put it in loop which i did i mean i did make this game 3 months ago in January

Ya can put it as stay on last frame when done.