A metroidvania title inspired by NES classics with a modernized twist and sheen.
As a prequel to Hymn of Blood, Hades’ Lament is a metroidvania taking place inside the breathing castle of Justina Tepes, the spouse of Dracula himself. Desperate for research regarding the monolith, you play as Marion Rochellane II in hopes of pulling the cloth of mystery off of it, and learning about the horrors inside it. However, the deeper you get, the clearer it becomes that research wouldn’t be all you gain from being here…
we recently dropped the “2” in eldabyss 2 and changed it to “Eldabyss” (for a large number of reasons; in simple terms it’s due to the legal marketability of the game beforehand, and how each game takes place so far apart that every plotline is pretty much entirely different)
we also are rejecting the use of numbers in any of the titles, that way every game can be played seperately; the timeline IS linear but there’s only minor callbacks in each game, and each game will likely be its own beast
i think doing it similar to the zelda titles where the games are connected but can stand alone (like you said) but i think including direct sequels could be cool (similar to the child timeline)
An additional item has been added, and the level has been expanded a little.
If you’re interested in working on this game with us, @ me in a post here or message me and I’ll consider adding you based on your work.
@extrez I would be intrested in working on Eldabyss: Hades’ Lament (mostly providing ideas and art) My potfolio include working on games such as animosity and driven back. I would love to help with development Eldabyss: Hades’ Lament