Happy Independence Day!(4th of July)

Oh, that’s awesome. I love it when people actually want to hear that lol

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I do, because I like to cook, I like trying new foods, and without any certificates or degrees or whatever, I’m probably more likely to get hired as a restaurant chef than I am to get a high paying game developer job.

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I eat corn chips from one specific brand that’s safe for me, and imported bread (from Italy I believe?) Called Shaer that has no eggs and no gluten, which you can imagine is quite expensive. Those are my sources of carb essentials, other than that I eat lots of meats from free range farms and many vegetables, with fruits as snacks.

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Oh, and there’s one pasta brand that’s like fifteen dollars a box I can have.

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I love corn chips. Never tried gluten free bread or pasta though. Meats, yes, I’ll eat most kinds of meat (and free range is best, not just for the sake of the animal, but also for the quality of the meat itself, you don’t want to eat something that has spent its entire life in a tiny cage). I like most fruits and some vegetables… I’m kind of picky when it comes to veggies though.

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Happy Independence Day!

Can’t celebrate the same, we’re in Guatemala at the moment and NOBODY celebrates it here except other U.S missionaries!

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Alright, then I’d like to change the word to “helpers”. Or something of the such, my grandparents are religious but don’t push it on the community, they’re here to help the country since it’s not in a good condition, or really ever was. They build houses and deliver food and water, my grandmother is a doctor at her clinic, she helps woman give birth, and treats sickness for free.


What in the world? :upside_down_face:

You mean, like volunteers?

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I’m surprised how many Americans here have never heard of things like bratwurst and missionaries. Do you even apple pie your baseball, Ameribruhs? :laughing:


200w (1)

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Yeah, they live here and aren’t funded by an organization.


Missionaries are church-backed volunteers who go to other nations to help them build schools and houses and get them access to food, medicine, clean running water, etc. Similar to the Peace Corps and International Red Cross, etc. Most of them are unpaid, aside from occasionally having their travel, food, and lodging expenses covered by donors.

It can be very dangerous at times, but also very rewarding if you like helping people (plus it looks good on a job resume or college application).


I knew this one family decided to go to the Middle East for a missions trip (I forget where exactly). It is definitely not a safe occupation, and requires a tremendous amount of will. The family wasn’t the same after leaving the Middle East, though, for about three quarters of them were dead, and the rest abused or worse. It’s extremely tragic, and I’m still surprised how the man is still going losing almost his entire family in the test of his faith, for if he denied his faith in Christ, they would have been still alive.


Oh yeah, it’s very dangerous, depending on what region you go to. A lot of them do get sick, robbed, injured, or worse. Not for the faint of heart.


That’s why I stay indoors.


I’m with you there. I am all for expanding my horizons, but there are parts of the world that I’ve told myself I will never go to, simply because I don’t like my chances of being able to come back in one piece.

Like when I read a news story about some students or whatever who visited South Korea and decided to sneak into North Korea… to do some documentary or host some kind of civil protest or whatever. That’s a big oopsie. Don’t do that. Don’t assume that they’re going to give you a lawyer and a phone call just because you’re an American, LOL.


Yep, my grandparents live in one of the safer villages and have deals in place with the village’s elders so if anyone in the village hurts them they will be punished (Mayan Justice). But in the markets we have to have our backs on our stomachs, so nobody can steal things from us, and we have to say no to every person or they’ll follow you around EVERYWHERE. The water system is a bit sketchy and the bugs are horrifying, not to mention the smell. But the scenic views usually make up for all that stuff.


Those are the places that need to be reached most, the “no-ways.”

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